Saturday, June 5, 2010

Summer Reading List

I've decided that I am going to make a personal summer reading list. I'm thinking of reading books of all types of genres: fiction, non-fiction, inspirational, etc. So far I have read:

The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands

I feel like Dr. Laura is anything but a feminist when it comes to the subject of relationships. Sure, she stands up for the women who are in abusive or other-wise dangerous relationships, but all in all, I feel like almost any other situation goes to the man. Sometimes she's a bit extreme, but for the most part I'm okay with that. In a world full of man-bashing and the common stereotype that men are less intelligent or less capable than women are, I am glad that there's someone who sticks up for the men... and that it's a woman! This book is pretty good. Like I said, she can be a little extreme at some times, but it really helped me to understand that (most) men have the best intentions, and we women are too confusing and change our minds too often to notice that all our men are trying to do is please us. It also opened my eyes to the fact that behind the big, bold, masculinity of a man there is a great deal of sensitivity. It's an interesting book, and I would recommend it. I started it when I first got married (... almost a year ago) but never finished it once school started. I decided to start it again this summer, and actually finished it this time. I think this is a great book for newly weds.

The Host

This was a really great book. Long, but good. I hardly ever wanted to put it down; I love books like that. I didn't get through all of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight books, (and while I'm on that subject, the movies are not good. I finally watched New Moon the other night, and although it was a step up from Twilight, I still didn't like it. Kristen Stewart bothers me and Robert Pattison? Really? He's not the Edward I had in mind when I read the books. Anyways.. that's off subject) but this book kept me interested and guessing the whole way through.

Life of Pi

Okay seriously this book is the most boring book ever for maybe the first ten chapters, and then it gets so interesting. I had only heard good things about it, and I thought something was wrong with me for thinking it was terribly boring but it gets to be really really interesting and I would recommend it. The only problem is you have to endure a lot of gross scenes. That's all I'll say about that.

So I just finished Life of Pi last night and I'm on to this next book:

The Client

My friend's cousin's wife's mom gave this book to me. How's that for a connection? I haven't started the book yet, but I hear it's good. It was even made into a movie, although I've never heard of it.

Anyways... so those are the only books I've got on my list so far. Oh, and I want to read Angels and Demons, too. SO: If any of you have any suggestions for me please, please, please let me know. Gracias.

In other news: Luke and I are going to have a spelling bee. And I'm going to win. I'm pretty much a spelling freak, and spelling isn't exactly Luke's strong point. We'll see how it goes.


  1. I'm almost finished with The Hourglass Door by Lisa Mangum and it's pretty good. Then I'll be starting the sequel to it, The Golden Spiral. You should read them.

  2. Oh man I hated Life of Pi!!!! Have fun with your reading list, it looks great!

  3. Hi Jordan! Ok I'm kindof a book nerd and I like all sorts of books.

    I would recommend:

    *Geography of Bliss- Eric Weiner (really funny)
    *The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho
    *Beneath a Marble Sky- John Shors (great romance book, I loved it)
    *Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers- Mary Roach (ok, I have this weird thing with death and I found this book surprisingly funny and interesting, don't think I'm a freak)
    *The Chronicles of Narnia- C.S. Lewis (you've probably read these but Evan and I are reading these again this summer and I'm surprised by how much I still like them)Good luck and let me know if you read any of them/what you think! Hope you guys are doing well.

  4. Hey Jordan-
    The Help is one of the best books I have ever read, give it a whirl. I also recently read Her Fearful Symmetry. It was weird but good.
    Hoe you guys are doing well!
