Monday, January 10, 2011

Well What Would YOU Do if You Were Getting Kidnapped?

A few weeks ago Luke was in Texas on a business trip with his boss (whom we will call Jack). He was to be gone from Mon- Wed. It was Tuesday night. I had gone to mutual after being at work all day long and then had a Presidency meeting after mutual, so it wasn't until 10:00 pm that I was finally on my way home for the day and got to call my hubby and say hello- which meant it was midnight there in Texas. The convo went something like this:
Me: Hi hun. What are you doing?
Luke: Nothing, just got back to the hotel.
Me: Um... isn't it midnight there? Why were you out so late?
Luke: I went shopping with Jack.
Me: Shopping? What could you guys possibly be shopping for at midnight?
Luke: Just stuff, I don't know.
Me: I don't get it. What kind of stuff did you get?
Luke: Just random stuff.
Me: Okay you're being super sketchy right now. I'm going home and taking a shower and I'll call you before I go to bed.
So I got home, LOCKED the front door and LOCKED the bathroom door (because I'm paranoid like that when Luke's not home), and jumped in the shower. A few minutes into my shower I realize the shampoo bottle is empty so I slide the shower curtain back and reach out to the near-by cabinet to get a new bottle. Just as I grab the bottle I hear the bathroom door handle shaking. Someone was trying to get in! I freeze. A second later I see the door handle twist and the door opens. I seriously don't think I have ever screamed so loud in my life! And never for so long before either; it took a good 10 straight seconds of screaming before my brain realized that the intruder was none other than my loving husband who had returned home from his trip a day early and wanted to surprise me, but ended up terrifying me to death instead.
Now that got me to thinking that:
1. My bathroom door is obviously very easy to pick and I'm not sure I'll even bother locking it from now on because someone can still get in whether it's locked or not.
2. I'm glad my husband isn't really "sketchy" and was really only a few miles away from coming home to me when he said they were "shopping".
3. I need to work on my self defense skills because, honestly, if that were a true kidnapper I would have been stuffed in a bag and hauled into someone's car in .2 seconds. I did nothing but scream!! That's so lame! (Of course I'm glad now that I didn't do anything other than scream because it was Luke, and I wouldn't want to hurt him... but I DO want to hurt a real kidnapper if the time ever came and obviously I am HIGHLY incapable.

But seriously... What would YOU do if you thought you were getting kidnapped?


  1. Haha...So, THAT'S what that noise was....just kidding. We didn't hear it. :-) I'm right there with you in the screaming department. I get scared/startled SO easily. It's just a natural reaction. I would have freaked out. Glad it as Luke and not a kidnapper!

  2. That is so creepy. I think I would have punched him even after I saw it was my husband.

  3. Haha... that is so creepy! He's lucky he didn't get kicked in the man parts! I was at a gunshow one time and apparently I look like an easy target or something but this old guy pulled me aside and gave me an LDS book on Women Self-Defense but basically it said (yeah I read it...) you should scream and like, just go crazy on them, throwing whatever you can and saying the most dirty, horrible things you can think of saying to them b/c 9 times out of 10, they won't want the hassle of getting you to shut up. This one lady had someone break in her house and try to rape her but she just started yelling every curse word she could think of and it freaked the guy out and he left so maybe screaming was a good start!

  4. haha, nice one! that would've freaked me out.

  5. Now thats scary..... Im just like you i lock all doors make sure windows are locked. . garage and everything lol
